On Tuesday, France coach Jean-François Niemezcki unveiled a list of twenty players to play the Alanya Cup in Turkey (February 28 to March 6). But we learn this Thursday that Romane Munich, the goalkeeper of ASJ Soyaux, is forfeited for this tournament. Therefore, she will be replaced by Elisa Launay (picture in one), the door of Lille Olympic Sporting Club. Aged 20, the former goalkeeper of the Girondins de Bordeaux has so far a selection with the B. It was in a friendly match against Bosnia and Herzegovina on April 6, 2017 (2-0 victory). In Turkey, Launay will support the Lyonnaise Pauline Peyraud-Magnin, who should be the titular goalkeeper at the tournament.

* Picture in one: Frédéric Wolf

Arnaud Le Quéré